If you just got a new Fitbit, you might be wondering if you need to connect it to your smartphone. Indeed, Fitbits are excellent tools; they provide information about your fitness level.
In the most basic form, Fitbits are data collectors. They have a variety of functions that allow them to collect data about your fitness level. For example, they can count steps taken, calories burned, time spent active, and more.
Many have advanced heart rate, blood pressure monitors, and sleep sensors. Some may even come with built-in GPS or allow you to use the GPS on your connected phone.
The question is do you need a smartphone to use a Fitbit. Moreover, if you don’t have a smartphone, can you use a computer? So let’s discuss this issue of needing a smartphone with a Fitbit.
The Fitbit Setup Process for Mobile
Perhaps the most important thing to know is the Fitbit setup process. Now, as we said, Fitbits are essentially data collectors.
However, the Fitbit is designed, so you need the Fitbit app to use with your Fitbit account. You will not be able to use your new Fitbit if you do not first set up an account.
The issue here is that a Fitbit is not like an Apple Watch. It’s not a fully functional computer that you can do everything on. It might have a small screen, but it only displays a limited amount of information. It also doesn’t have onboard controls.
You will need a device to download and install the Fitbit app. Generally speaking, most people will connect their Fitbit to their smartphone via Bluetooth.
The Fitbit app can then be installed, and an account created on the smartphone. Then, once the smartphone is synced with the Fitbit, you no longer necessarily need the phone. However, you need the phone to set up the account in the beginning.
Fitbit for Computers
So, what happens if you have a phone that is not compatible with your Fitbit model? Furthermore, maybe you just prefer using your computer instead of your phone.
You can always download and install the Fitbit app on your computer and create an account.
So, you don’t necessarily need to have a smartphone to set up and use your Fitbit. However, you need to have some device to install the app and create an account. This could be a smartphone or a computer, or even a tablet. That said, once the account has been set up, you can leave your device behind and use just the Fitbit.
The Fitbit will continue gathering data for as long as it can. Keep in mind that if your computer does not have Bluetooth, you’ll need to have the Fitbit USB dongle. This can be purchased separately.
Reading The Data Your Fitbit Has Gathered
As mentioned before, these Fitbits are simply information gatherers. They feature devices on the inside that collect various data. For example, there could be a sleep tracker, a heart rate monitor, a blood pressure sensor, a step counter, and more.
Fitbits will continue collecting and tracking this data for as long as you have it on your person. For this, you don’t need your smartphone.
However, there are other issues. For one, a Fitbit only has so much memory space on it. This means that it can only continue collecting data for a certain amount of time before it is full. Generally speaking, a Fitbit will have enough memory for about two or three days’ worth of information.
However, it probably won’t gather more information past that. If it does, it might overwrite the old data.
Therefore, to continuously gather data over a long period, you need either a smartphone or a computer to transfer that data to make room for new data on the Fitbit.
The other issue concerns viewing the data. Gathering fitness data is essential, but you have to be able to see that data. Unfortunately, Fitbits don’t have a really good display. They show basic things, but they’re not fully functional computers or phones. So they can’t display all of that gathered data in a detailed manner or at all.
Therefore, you will need the screen from your smartphone or a device to view your data. Technically, this does not have to be your phone – it could be a tablet or a computer.
Accessing Special Fitbit App Features and GPS
There are many unique features that you can only access with the Fitbit app. For instance, you need the app if you want personalized nutrition and fitness advice.
Moreover, Fitbits usually comes with various workout programs. There are both basic as well as custom workout programs for individuals. You need to have either a phone or another device to see the app to access these features.
Also, some Fitbit models come with integrated GPS. However, many do not have GPS but will sync with your phone to use its GPS function. This is one of the few things that you will not be able to do with a computer or without a phone.
As you can see, this is both a yes-and-no answer. Technically, to use the Fitbit to gather information, you don’t need a smartphone. However, you need a smartphone, tablet, or computer to set it up and view the data.